eResources Consortial Membership

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National Licensing Centre for Electronic Information Resources – CzechELib

This project aims to ensure the effective purchase of and access to key electronic information resources (EIR) for their users in the fields of research, development, and innovation in the Czech Republic, thereby significantly reducing public (research organizations) spending on related administrative activities.

Consortium leadership: Czech National Library of Technology (Národní technická knihovna – NTK)

The National Licensing Centre for Electronic Information Resources – CzechELib project is co-funded by the European Union – Operational Programme Research, Development and Education in the years 2017–2022 (OP VVV).

For more information please see

 +420 232 002 535

Ing. Jiří Jirát, Ph.D.
 +420 2204 44 393

Last modified: 2.4. 2019 14:04