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Electronic Resources

eResources Access Options

eResources Availability and Basic Usage Guidelines


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via VŠCHTSubscription access via UCT Prague account

via ÚOCHBSubscription access via IOCB account

via NTKSubscription access via NTK account

eResources Availability

  1. All eResources are accessible at computers of the insitution which subscribes them and the terminals in the chemTK library (in the NTK building).
  2. UCT Prague and IOCB students and staff have remote access from home. How to access resources from home.
  3. Several databases are available at chemTK only because of licensing restrictions.
  4. Some resources are also available for the general public, but only in the chemTK library (in the NTK building).

Conditions of Use

When using eResources everybody must follow the NTK library rules. Employees and students of UCT Prague must also follow rules for the UCT Prague network; employees of IOCB the rules for the IOCB network.

Brief summary:

  • You can only use eResources for non-commerical (educational, academic, or scientific) purposes, and exclusively for personal use.
  • You cannot download entire issues of eJournals and eBooks.
  • Follow copyright law, that means, please do not translate, create derivative works, copy, store, reproduce, distribute materials or remove, alter or obscure copyright notices.


eResources Management UCT
+420 232 002 573

eResources Management IOCB
+420 232 002 579

eResources Management NTK
+420 232 002 553

Last modified: 24.8. 2020 14:08